
All posts for the month March, 2016

My health was doing really well, minor fluctuations, but overall the best I had been doing in a long time, and then I wore myself out. Work gave us an impossible deadline, immediately followed by another impossible deadline. While I do both front and backend development, my focus at work has been frontend. For months we have requested a middleware to handle the majority of the logic and admin tasks. For months we were told they would find a resource to build the middleware. The middleware was axed a few weeks prior to the first deadline. We rushed, working non-stop, just barely delivering a functional, but clunky and unrefined product. They gave us two weeks to implement additional features (including ones not yet available in the API and have no technical documentation) and refine the product.

It was immediately after they gave us two weeks for the next deadline, that both myself and my coworker literally fell apart. Both of us now have health issues that were not bothering us weeks prior to the deadline. I have been fighting constant flareups, unable to stop the pain that returned. At this point I am worn out, only barely able to type this post. Most recently my right arm has started hurting, an extreme pulsating pain that can be triggered by overuse/overextension of most of my right arm and hand. This is a very strong indicator that I’m worn out, it’s time to rest. It is a very good thing that weeks ago I requested tomorrow and Friday off, I have to lay off the computer for a couple of days and I might have been forced to take the days off regardless. Hopefully a couple of days of fun and not having to use the computer will help. Not sure if it will be enough, but maybe it’s also time to slow down at work.