
All posts for the month September, 2022

After being severely ill for a few weeks, it feels really good to be getting back on track with tasks and plans. I missed a week and a half of work but more than a few weeks of household chores and responsibilities. I made sure all the bills were paid and tried to keep up with some of my dishes, but I hadn’t been feeling well in weeks. Haven’t felt great since June when my ears started acting up. It looks like the acting up, the odd vertigo, anxiety, and ear pressure issues was labyrinthitis, an inflammation of the inner ear usually caused by allergies or infection. I was most likely recovering from it when I got really sick with that cold or flu or sinus infect, causing it worsen again. It may take weeks or months to fully recover, but grateful the worst of it is in the past.

There was a lot of catch up to do at home, but none of it has been particularly hard or take long. The front gardens looked much worse than they were, same with the yard in general. The house is dusty, but we clean it regularly and deep cleaning periodically throughout the year, so it hasn’t been hard to catch up with. My partner has been doing a lot of the dusting and vacuuming while I’ve been packing away extra stuff and cleaning up my office and lab.

One week of work then I have a couple days off to pack and prep for the road trip to New England. We’re taking that Rav4 and while it sees regular dealing maintenance, there’s some more non-dealer work that it needs. We had planned to work on it Labor Day weekend, but that was while I was still sick. Going to try to accomplish that this week or next before we leave.

I’m also hoping to get a little more work done on my TRS-80 Model 100 before leaving on the trip. Started looking into what it needed for repairs during one of my better sick days, got it apart this past weekend and finally inspected it the other night. Capacitors are starting to leak and damage solder. Need to be patient with this repair, make sure I clean and test thoroughly as I go through the board.